Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 6 - Christ Be With Me

By Beth Adams

I had the words of the hymn attributed to st. Patrick running through my mind this morning as I awakened.

    I bind unto myself today the strong name of the trinity, by invocation of the same, the three in One and one in three

At this point in the trip we are all aware of our limitations whether it be from lack of sleep, having clothes soiled by wet infants or inhaling large quantities of exhaust as we travel by van and we, or at least I, have no doubt that I am weak and have little to offer.

So why are we here? In some small way perhaps by showing up at the small private orphanage and playing frisbee,soccer, making airplanes,racing small cars, singing, making a fitness circuit (with push-ups, pull-ups, biceps curls, long jump and balancing activities, no less!) we communicated that children, these children, are valued. Perhaps by taking time to hold and interact with special needs children in recent days communicates to them and to others that God values every life. Could it be that showing up at large orphanages to follow up on how donations were used or to ask what current needs are suggests that we will return and that there is accountability? Could being here be part of something God is doing that will not be clear to us in our lifetimes?

Only our Heavenly Father knows the answers to these questions. What is known however, is the privilege we had today in serving lunch to these precious children and watching as the oldest child, a fourteen year old boy rise to his feet and lead the younger children in a prayer of thanks. Here is the next generation, here are those who may carry the love of God to the world and only God knows what they have suffered in their short lives and what obstacles, dangers, or temptations they may face as they grow. But God is here. We see him at work today, in this place. We are in him and he is in us.

Again I think of the hymn that fills my mind today.......

     Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, 
      Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me.
      Christ beneath me,Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, 
      Christ in hearts of all who love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

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